Read online ebook Anxious Politics by Shana Kushner Gadarian FB2


Emotions matter in politics - enthusiastic supporters return politicians to office, angry citizens march in the streets, a fearful public demands protection from the government. Anxious Politics explores the emotional life of politics, with particular emphasis on how political anxieties affect public life. When the world is scary, when politics is passionate, when the citizenry is anxious, does this politics resemble politics under more serene conditions? If politicians use threatening appeals to persuade citizens, how does the public respond? Anxious Politics argues that political anxiety triggers engagement in politics in ways that are potentially both promising and damaging for democracy. Using four substantive policy areas (public health, immigration, terrorism, and climate change), the book seeks to demonstrate that anxiety affects how we consume political news, who we trust, and what politics we support. Anxiety about politics triggers coping strategies in the political world, where these strategies are often shaped by partisan agendas., Emotions matter in politics enthusiastic supporters return politicians to office, angry citizens march in the streets, a fearful public demands protection from the government. Anxious Politics explores the emotional life of politics, with particular emphasis on how political anxieties affect public life. When the world is scary, when politics is passionate, when the citizenry is anxious, does this politics resemble politics under more serene conditions? If politicians use threatening appeals to persuade citizens, how does the public respond? Anxious Politics argues that political anxiety triggers engagement in politics in ways that are potentially both promising and damaging for democracy. Using four substantive policy areas (public health, immigration, terrorism, and climate change), the book seeks to demonstrate that anxiety affects how we consume political news, who we trust, and what politics we support. Anxiety about politics triggers coping strategies in the political world, where these strategies are often shaped by partisan agendas."

Anxious Politics by Shana Kushner Gadarian FB2 download ebook

Authored by scholars from a variety of disciplines, the chapters in this volume provide insight into these and other issues.Today's high school and college students care deeply about improving the future, and it's not too late to ensure that they view running for office as an effective way to do so.Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity, and Religion is an introductory anthology that examines the history, current issues, and dynamics of select minority groups in the United States.Each chapter will be focused on a contemporary issue in politics and international relations, including corruption, public hypocrisy, cynicism, trust, security, policy formulation and decision-making, political apology, public reason, denial and self-deception, and will argue against the background of a Kantian view of sincerity as unconditional.This volume brings together scholars from a variety of disciplines, such as philosophy, sociology, politics, law, history, and religious studies, to address these questions.For millions, the journey has already begun.How can she say no?Whereas existing texts are organised around case studies of contemporary or relatively recent popular culture phenomena only and minimise the historical dimensions, Reader in Religion and Popular Culture addresses the need for an anthology which traces broader themes of religion and popular culture across time and across very different types of media.Exploring the nature of religion and philosophy, and introducing key thinkersin the history of the field, Yandellguides students through the varieties of religion and of religious experience,the relationshipsbetween faith and reason and religion and science,and examinesfundamental problems religion seeksto address, such as the nature of ultimate reality and the problem of evil.Through the author's transparent account of her personal experience and promises from Scripture, you will learn that God gives a double anointing to those who stand through tribulation.A "Publishers Weekly "Best Book of 2014 From one of England's most distinguished intellectual historians comes "an exhilarating ride...that will stand the test of time as a masterful account of" ("The Boston Globe") one of the West's most important intellectual movements: Atheism.It also examines how globalisation has given rise to new forms of religious competition, and how religious groups strengthen themselves through the development of social resilience, as well as contribute to resilient societies.